Thursday, October 15, 2009

Infantilizing Adults

Come on now. At what point is an adult an adult? Our society keeps raising the age of responsibility (and privilege) for just about everything (except for criminal responsibility & punishment, which is ironically going the other way).
What might one suppose this will do to the price of health insurance policies?

A new provision being rolled into the unified House health care bill would allow young adults to stay on their parents' health care plans until they turn 27, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi told reporters Tuesday.

Young adults are the most uninsured group in the country. They often lose coverage at age 19 when they graduate from high school or a few years later when they graduate from college. Once they enter the workforce, they face new obstacles to getting insurance," Pelosi said. "Now with this legislation that takes them to their 27th birthday, we take them a long way down the path of some independence, some liberation to follow their aspirations right out of school.

This is "independence" and "liberation"? Seriously now...

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