Sunday, October 18, 2009

Cop Gets 1 Day Suspension for Killing 10 Year Old

What do you think a non-cop would have gotten?

On October 17, Vaughn was racing from one call to another when his squad car fatally struck 10-year-old Cole Berardi, who was riding his bicycle on a darkened portion of Belt Line Road in southeast Dallas.
Cpl. Vaughn's lights and siren were not activated as required.
The police accident report released lists speed as a contributing factor in the accident. It states that the speed of Cpl. Vaughn's vehicle ranged from 69 mph to 72 mph at the time of impact. The speed limit on that stretch of road is 40 mph.
Vaughn was later cleared by a grand jury of any criminal culpability. But internal investigators have since concluded that he failed to the follow the department's established procedures.

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