Monday, September 21, 2009

Interview with Greg Gutfeld

This guy cracks me up. The quintessential heretic, unwelcome everywhere. The Red Eye show really pushes the boundaries, which is probably why they can only show it in the middle of the night. Sort of reminds me of the old "network" days when late night viewers were rewarded with irreverent stuff you just couldn't do on television like SNL, SCTV, or early Letterman (among other). It's kind of like the "South Park" of talk shows. Decidedly the anti-View. One thing that amazes me is the guests he gets on there. Congress critters, minor celebs, mayors and such- they have to know they are going to get skewered.

"There are three things that I could go off on forever. Global warming is the biggest scam ever devised. It’s created by media-savvy folks who saw that they could get on TV much easier if they create concern. They purposely ignore scientists who don’t follow the party line, so I do that story a lot. Everybody hates it because even though they agree with it, it’s boring, but the most boring things are the things that kill you.
The second issue is the way the media portray people that they disagree with. They were far behind the tea party story. They didn’t know how to catch up, so rather than try to catch up, they made a joke out of it: “They’re a bunch of tea baggers.” It’s a really funny joke. It’s like they kept saying it over and over again, but it was stupid and it was demeaning. I’m not a joiner. I didn’t go to the tea parties, but everybody I knew that went to the tea parties had jobs. They owned things. They’re not going to throw a chair through a window because they probably owned that store or they owned that chair.
The third thing is the drug war, which is a waste of human life and a waste of money. We’ve been through this with Prohibition. I don’t know why we can’t see that this thing is just killing our country. No pothead should be in jail.
They’re the nicest people on the planet. The worst thing they do is they eat all your food. That’s not against the law. Cokeheads, they talk your ear off. They tell you stories that you don’t want to hear. The next day they regret it, but that’s not a crime. Meth heads will take apart your toaster, try to put it back together. It never works, but you hide the toaster. That’s all you do. You don’t put the guy in jail!
What we’re doing is we’re putting people in jail who are following a natural human need, which is just to get out of life for a few minutes or for a few hours. I don’t think it’ll ever change because no politician that will be elected will ever have the balls to actually do something about it."

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