Thursday, February 18, 2010

Best Reason to Live in AZ

 This is awesome.  I can't stand the money-leeching Mass RMV.
Well, maybe the second best reason… the first best is that it was 75F today.  But the second best reason is that my son got his driver’s license today, and it expires in the year 2059.  I kid you not — get your license at 16 and there are no more renewals until you are 65 years old.  Have fun at the DMV.

1 comment:

  1. Hey there used to be bargains here too. I got my first firearms permit here in MA in 1983 when I was 18. It cost $2.00 and was good for life.*

    Of course the definition of "Good for Life" has a different defnition in English versus the Great and General Court which claims to have invalidated that permit in 1998.
